
Upper Sandusky Library: Site Redesign

The Upper Sandusky Community Library requested a redesign of their site’s current visual design and information architecture.  Library information is inaccessible to users in that it is difficult to find.  The goals the library would like to reach include:

  • Reorganizing current information on the website
    • Online catalog, information on events, booking a meeting room, etc
  • Creating a system that is simple for library staff to maintain

In order to reorganize the site, current navigation schemes, labelling, and content structure will be examined to assess how extensive the redesign will need to be.  By reorganizing the current information, through user testing, taxonomy assessment, etc, a system will be built that library staff will be able to utilize for future updates to content.

Report PDF

User Research

A research study was conducted to find information on library patrons.  Two municipal library staff members were interviewed from Royal Oak Public Library and the Berkley Public Library.  Interview goals included determining who users are, common tasks they take on the library website, what they are trying to accomplish, and where they are accessing their respective library’s website.  To complement the information gathered from the interviews a literature search was performed with information gathered from online sources.  Key findings include:

Who: Typical library website patrons are parents with small children and high school students.  The majority of patrons are female.

User Goals: Educating children and helping them grow, becoming more versed in different subjects, getting tasks done quickly and comfortably

Common Tasks: Common tasks include checking out books, registering for events, and checking the Library’s hours.

Information Access: Users access information mainly on mobile devices including phones and tablets.  This is mainly done in their homes.


These interviews were performed in-person as well as over the phone.  Interviews were about 10 minutes in length and conducted by a professional user researcher.  Questions included:

  1. What are the online patron demographics? (Demographics: age, race, location, income, occupation)
  2. Where are users accessing the website? (eg phone, tablet, mobile, at the library, desktop, etc)
  3. Is there a lot of variation in these demographics?
  4. What are the common tasks that users do on the website?  
  5. What do they want/try to do that may not be available?
  6. Are there different ways users complete tasks on the website?
  7. How do users reach their goals using library resources?

Library patrons are mainly parents with small children as well as teenagers in high school..  The Royal Oak Public Library librarian stated that as much as 25% of users are accessing the site via mobile, otherwise users are accessing the site via desktop computer.  Mainly users are accessing the site to check on hours and contact information.  Users are accessing the website before they decide to make a trip to the library, most likely to check if the library is open and if what they are looking for is available.  Other tasks include looking for events, searching for book availability, accessing homework help, and checking their accounts for late fees.

Patrons also have access to an interlibrary loan system online where they can request books and pick them up at their local library.  Though this is convenient it leads to a third party site (away from the library’s home page) and causes some confusion for patrons.  Overall library users want convenient and accessible information.

It should also be noted that a well organized website in a CMS (content management system) allows for library staff to update the website without much web experience; this was noted by the ROPL librarian.

Literature Search

A literature search was conducted to dive deeper into information about online library patrons.  Ebsco, Pew Research Center, and Public Libraries Online were the main sources of material during this search.  Ebsco states that 40% of students find their library’s website moderate to very challenging while 15% never use them.  This creates opportunity to change common problems users have found.  Apart from trying to find hours and contact information, searching is the primary function a user takes on a library’s website which is confirmed by Ebsco and Public Libraries Online.  This should include an ability to browse through the site while also having a contextual search bar available.  The more accessible information is to the library patrons the better the website experience.  This also includes keeping navigation simple.

Demographic information that was revealed by the Pew Research Center is that, “Women, young adults, higher-educated adults and parents are among the most likely to have visited libraries and used library websites.”  This goes in tandem with the information gathered in the librarian interviews.  


In response to the interviews and literature search performed, two personas were created to prep for the redesign of the USPL’s website.

Primary Persona

Secondary Persona


After the persona creation a list of tasks was created.  These were based on the previous research and persona needs.  If tasks were found in both interviews and the literature research they were considered the most important.  Medium and low priority were judged qualitatively based on librarian interviews.

Supporting Tasks with Content, Labelling & Taxonomy

Creating a well organized and logical information architecture for the library’s website means a better user experience for library patrons.  Building upon previous research, personas, and tasks the site is a step closer to a finished redesign.

Content Analysis

After performing a thorough content inventory a few insights were gained.  Many external links did not work, page titles were very long, and information was overwhelmingly unorganized.

Current Content

After performing a thorough content inventory a few insights were gained.  Many external links did not work, page titles were very long, and information was overwhelmingly unorganized.  The quality of the actual content within the library’s website was not necessarily poor but how it is currently organized needs to change.  One issue that persists throughout the site are broken links.  There are many of them on the homepage, such as 18-24 in the content inventory.  Pages either link to broken URLs or to irrelevant information.  This leads to confusion for the user.  This poor experience discourages them from returning.

Full Spreadsheet


Reworking & Creating Content

By creating a new information architecture for the library’s website, users should be able to find the content they want quickly and easily.  The home page for example, will have less links but more relevancy.  This will allow for nested menus with related content.  With clearer pathways to current content the user will be able to keep themselves oriented within the website.

Navigation Structure

The USCL currently has a fragmented classification scheme.  This makes it difficult for the user to be able to navigate.  Through research, it was discovered that users go to the library’s website to perform various tasks which leads to a classification scheme that is task based

The navigation structure itself consists of global and local navigation along with repeated access points to content.  The navigation at the top of the page is a sticky header that follows the user throughout their use of the site.  These global links can also be found in the footer area.  The multiple access points allow the user to choose their own navigation paths.

To aid with orientation, breadcrumbs are used on all pages aside from the homepage.  This allows the user to navigate within the website, rather than using the browser’s back button.

In order to aid the user in searching for content, they are able to use both contextual search and filters.  Contextual search is available in the global navigation and also within subpages.  Once the user finds what they are looking for, or they are simply browsing, they will have the ability to filter their results so they are more meaningful.


Site Map

Below is the sitemap for the redesign.  This accommodates repurposed and reorganized information as well as adding new pages and elements to improve the library site’s experience.  The taxonomy was tested via Treejack and adjustments were made.


A Treejack study was performed with the initial taxonomy that was derived from user research.  A total of four participants were gathered ranging from ages of late 20s to 60s.  Demographic data shows three female participants and one male.  This test included seven tasks for participants to perform without being given the choice to skip any.  They were allowed to rate the difficulty and provide comments after each task.

Certain tasks proved to be a bit difficult for participants which resulted in changes to the sitemap and ultimately the wireframes.

Task 2 – Find where you can borrow a book

This task proved to be a bit difficult for participants.  There was a lot of back and forth navigation for most participants.  The answer being, “Library Catalog” landed with three out of four participants.  Changes included a submenu under “Library Catalog” which will be broken down into “Books”, “Video”, and “Magazines & Newspapers.”








Task 4 – Find where you can check out a book from another library

This task provided to be difficult for participants.  This may be due to confusion between “Library Catalog” and “Interlibrary Loan.”  This did not change much since the “Library Catalog” category itself changed for more clarity. (Task 2)  If a user navigates to a book that is not available at the USPL, they will be provided the option to search other libraries within their search page.




An important part of the process to create a design that could be handed off to developers is to start paper or whiteboard sketching.  For the USPL this was done quickly completed with paper, pencil, and colored pens.

Selected Annotated Wireframes

1) Telephone
Contact information for users to access. Clickable and will open phone prompt.
2) Library Logo
Logo will navigate back to the home page.
3) Contextual Search
User will be able to keyword search the entire site to find suitable results
4) Address
Address will be clickable in order to find navigation to the library.
5/7) Hours
Hours are located in header and footer. The specific day is bolded in the footer.
6) Slider
Any information the library would like to advertise is located in the slider. This should be utilized with only 3-4 slides for the more effectiveness.
8) Footer Information
Contact info is repeated in the footer and includes a last updated stamp as well as a link the site map.
9) Navigate
All navigation located in the header is also available in the footer
10) My Account
Users will click this to log into their accounts to check fines, holds, etc.
1) Library Logo
Logo will navigate back to the home page.
2) Breadcrumbs
Breadcrumbs will allow the user to stay oriented within the website and jump back to previous steps if needed.
3) Filter Search
The user will able the ability to filter their search to what they want through related facets but still have the ability to browse.
4) Contextual Search
The user can search for specific events if they do not want to browse with filters.
5) Register
The “Register” CTA will allow the user to sign up for events at the library.
6) Calendar Widget
The Calendar widget will have clickable days that display the events on specific days.
1) Navigation
Appropriate navigation labels will be bolded and underlined to help orient the user to where they are within the website.
2) Featured Slider
Featured media from librarians will be featured in this area. It will be clickable and available for holding.
3) Contextual Search
A contextual search within the body of the page will be readily available for users to search for media.
4) Related Content
Users can choose specific media they would like to search into further.
1) Search Title
Contact information for users to access.
2) Contextual Search
User will be able to keyword search the entire site to find suitable results
3) Filter Search
The user will able the ability to filter their search to what they want through related facets but still have the ability to browse.
4) Search Results
Hours are located in header and footer. The specific day is bolded in the footer.
5) Place Hold CTA
Any information the library would like to advertise is located in the slider. This should be utilized with only 3-4 slides for the more effectiveness.