September 29, 2016

Week 5 – Usability Testing

This week I got the pleasure of running a (few) usability tests on Papa John’s pizza.  Why do I say a few?  Well…

  • The first test didn’t record any sound plus Quicktime crashed
  • Before the second test I could not get my microphone to work
  • The second participant had Papa John’s blocked and we could not continue
  • A third candidate bailed on me
  • My laptop died as I forgot my charger at work

I finally DID complete my usability test but it was with my first participant.  Before we started the test (again) I informed her to act natural and not to lie about anything since beforehand she had never ordered a pizza online before.  I did take away some interesting observations between her first and second runs of the website…

  1. For the life of her, she could not find the “create your own” pizza CTA.  Her task times were very slow and if she actually wanted to place an order I am almost positive she would have given up and ordered over the phone.
  2. The second time through was pretty swift.  She was able to learn and navigate through the site very quickly.  The process was much smoother and Papa John’s should focus on how to create a great experience for first time users.

I found it surprising that my participant had so much trouble finding the “create your own” pizza CTA.  After thinking about it it does blend quite a bit with all of the other imagery and there isn’t one sort of color that is used to really stand out as a guide.  Since I have done this test three times now I think I was much more thoughtful and put together by round three but it was definitely a little off putting at first.  I think I was able to remain unbiased but I did catch a few times where I was trying to joke with the participant and ended up giving my opinion.  I did let my participants speak enough as this is very natural for me.  I think I should focus on asking more probing questions.

That’s all for now.  Lot’s of technical difficulties this week.



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